virtual night out

Virtual Gin Tasting Sessions

Good tidings friends!

A very exciting development has lightened my mood of late and I feel at liberty to divulge this most exceptional of news!

As a fan of all things gin, there is nothing I find more invigorating than a good old fashioned gin tasting session, be it with a gaggle of close friends or in the company of complete strangers!

For me, nothing quite compares to the exhilaration of learning something new whilst also enjoying my favourite tipple – oh, the wonder never ceases!

Curious Cat Distillery - Virtual Gin Tasting box - delivered to participants

I am therefore very proud to introduce to you, my most learned friends, the launch of my beloved Curious Cat Distillery’s very own virtual tasting sessions. Whilst we are unable to meet in person during these most curious of times this is the ideal substitute for our beloved social gatherings and the puurrfect cure for loneliness!

As well as a delightful evening in the company of friends (arranged at your leisure, of course!) hosting your very own Private Virtual Gin Tasting we have also launched the first of, what will be, regular Open Virtual Gin Tastings. The latter will allow individual gin lovers the chance to join an ecclectic mix of like minded drink enthusiasts on a journey of discovery and merriment – indulging in a comprehensive range of our favourite gin products.

Our resident mixologist and all round purveyor of fine taste, charm and wit, Pedro

Every event will be hosted by our charming, charismatic resident mixologist and all round gin expert Pedro. He will guide you though the range of products that we will conveniently send directly to every participants door, offering insights on complimentary tonics and garnishes for each of these incredible, artisan delights. Cocktail suggestions can also be gleamed from this master of the art of mixology, so don’t be shy and retiring during the tasting session to ask any questions, however pertinent or otherwise!

Spaces for our first ever Open Virtual Gin Tasting on the 26th February are limited to 20 households so please don’t dally and book your place today.

Wishing you adieu for now, my friends…

Curious Cat.