Dear friends… Far from my usual jovial self, today I have found it prudent to pen this urgent request for your help!
My eccentric sidekick White Rabbit has gone missing and has not ben seen or heard from since late last night. I am beside myself with concern for my furry little companion. May I say it is completely out of character for White Rabbit to show any level of independence, let along to seek adventure.
The timing could not be more troublesome as it comes at his favourite time of year, Easter! He was last seen talking to that dastadly rogue March Hare… who we all know is a devil for troublemaking and general mischief.

He has also just helped me launch our superb new Limited Edition Chcolate Orange Gin, which makes me wonder whether his seemingly constant sampling of this delectable delight has hindered his already not excessive senses!!
Therefore I am offering a reward for information of his whereabouts. Mad Hatter and I have been in conversation and are convinced he must be somewhere in and around the distillery.
We need you, our loyal friends, to find any spare time you may have to search our shop for any clues that will reveal his whereabouts. I will happily reward you generously if you can locate him.
Good luck and thank you…

Curious Cat.